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A publishing company sent the following piece to a number of editors: "Strange and powerful words of prophecy. Out of the ancient past come the wonders of the future. 'Whom the Lord of host shall bless, saying blessed be ... Assyria the work of my hands...' Isaiah 19:25. Deeply moving and wondrously exciting, John Booko Sr's latest work, The Assyrian Revelation, brings to light many curious and forgotten biblical lines of prophecy. For those of you who are familiar with the teachings of the prophet Isaiah, The Assyrian Revelation will expand and reinforce teachings from one of Jesus' favorite prophets. Those familiar with Isaiah will have a great learning experience as the unity between the three major nations of the bible is revealed. If you liked John Booko's Assyria - The Forgotten Nation in Prophesy then The Assyrian Revelation is a must companion work that is a delight to read."
(See page 6 on how to order)