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Written for: Assyrians - to give them hope. Non-Assyrians - to inform. Young people - to inspire. All Christians - for the revelation of God's plans. "One of the most comprehensive, interesting and Bible based books on Assyria and Assyrians ever written" Congressman Mark D Siljander, Ph.D. (Ret.) Dr. Jack Van Impe said: "In order to understand biblical prophecy and God's plan for the end times, one must understand the histories of the people of Israel and of Assyria... God's plan for the end times is wrapped up in these two amazing races."
Rev. Booko's newest book is hard-cover, 360 pages in length. Table of Contents: Assyria, Assyrians, Assyria and Assyrians in the Bible, Assyrian Prophecy Fulfillment, The Assyrian Language, Assyrian Christianity, Tatian-The Assyrian, Missions to Assyrians, Assyrians Today, Assyria - Michigan, Life in the Future Assyria
Isaiah 19:25 "Assyria.... the work of God's hands."
The Assyrian Revelation ..$19.95 + $3.00 S/H (See page 6 to order)